Training courses
That the participants acquire and apply the knowledge in matters of hygiene and occupational safety, so that they carry out the work with a preventive focus, detecting and analyzing risks that could occur to them, as well as that they value the physical integrity of them and of the collaborators that are around and / or in charge, applicable to all types of laboratories.
- Improves the attitude of work in the collaborators.
- As a company, greater productivity is obtained, due to the reduction of risks and accidents, speeding up processes and increasing safety and accident prevention.
- Decrease in staff turnover, due to the development of employees with a sense of responsibility. A company that allocates budget to the training, talks about a company that is concerned about keeping its employees in the best conditions.
- Eliminates over confidence in the performance of activities.
- Better decision making
- Goals
- What is hygiene and safety?
- Goals
- What is accident and incident?
- What is Act and unsafe condition? Examples
- Personal protection equipment.
- Risk factor’s.
- Work diseases
- Security controls.
- What is a mixed security commission and how does it work?
- Responsibilities, sanctions and inspections.
- Obligations of the employer and workers.
- Conclusion.
- Contribution of learning and personal objectives of the subject.
Minimum 7, Maximum 15 people per course.
Duration: 16 hours
That the participants acquire and apply the knowledge of the 5’s methodology, to create a cleaning culture, optimize and improve resources and processes, applicable to all types of laboratories.
- It generates a good work environment.
- As a company you get greater productivity, speed up and reduce times in terms of the search for materials thanks to the organization and cleanliness that is generated.
- Organizational culture in order and cleanliness.
- Minimizes storage costs.
- History and background of 5’s methodology.
- Importance and benefits of the 5’s.
- Identification of the 5’s and their stages.
- Plan for the implementation of the 5’s.
- Follow up of 5’s through internal audits.
- Implementation of Check List for the monitoring of 5’s methodology.
- Conclusion.
- Contribution of learning and personal objectives of the subject.
Minimum 7, Maximum 15 people per course.
Duration: 12 hours
That the participants understand and apply the requirements and evidences that can be found in a quality management system based on the ISO 19011: 2011 standard, which gives you to know the techniques to audit a quality management system effectively, follow-up and closure of corrective actions, applicable to all types of laboratories.
- Improves the productivity of the quality management system.
- Know techniques to audit a quality management system.
- Understand the guidelines to close corrective actions effectively.
- Introduction.
- Normative references.
- Requirements of the ISO 19011: 2011 standard.
- What are quality audits?
- Audit planning based on ISO 19011: 2011.
- ISO 19011: 2011 audit standard.
- Stages of the audit process.
- Nonconformities and corrective actions.
- Role of the internal auditor and the auditee.
- Conclusion.
- Contribution of learning and personal objectives of the subject.
Minimum 7, Maximum 15 people per course.
Duration: 16 hours
That participants understand the importance of quality tools and apply them in their work, focusing on continuous improvement, applicable to all types of laboratories.
- It facilitates the beginning of statistical thinking.
- Effective solution of problems.
- Process improvement.
- Establishment of controls in the operations of the process.
- It helps translate opinions into facts and quantifiable data.
- Determine the root causes of the problems.
- Understand in detail the structure of a group of data, which will identify the causes of the problem and carry out appropriate corrective actions.
- Introduction to Quality
- Meaning
- Types of Quality
- Quality system
- Evolution of Quality Systems
- Measurement of Quality
- Concept
- Indicators
- Methodology
- The Seven Tools and their application
- Control sheet
- Histogram
- Pareto chart
- Diagram Cause-Effect
- Stratification
- Control Chart
- Dispersion diagram
- Conclusion.
- Contribution of learning and personal objectives of the subject.
Minimum 7, Maximum 15 people per course.
Duration: 16 hours
Foundation of the Work Teams, Diagnosis of the current situation of the company or the area with respect to the formation of work teams Self-directed, Work structures, Self-directed Work Teams, Responsibilities of Self-directed Work Teams, Stages of the development of a Team, Management of the challenges that arise, Implementation of the Self-Directed Work Teams in the organization.
Duration: 12 hours