
We guarantee the composition of the fertilizers with methodologies that help ensure a higher yield and less ecological impact.


We evaluate the stability of pesticides to ensure that the environment remains in balance.

Accidents and emergencies in the chemical industry

We offer analytical, research and technology development services (implementation of new methodologies), applied to the chemical industry in general, with instrumental analysis techniques such as HPLC, GC, UV-VIS, AA, etc.

Pharmaceutical laboratory

We support the pharmaceutical industry in validating and improving its processes, having trained personnel and equipment of the highest technologies and backed by the accreditation of the Mexican accreditation entity (Q-1236-197 / 20 INV-0623-005 / 15)

Microbiology Study


We ensure the safety of your products through the identification of pathogenic microorganisms.
We help guarantee the context of active ingredients in organic products made from living organisms.


We offer training courses for:

– Hygiene and safety.
– Order, cleanliness and discipline through the 5’s methodology.
– Internal auditors under ISO 19011.
– Quality basic tools.
– Formation of self-directed work teams.

Our Differentiators

Interested in ensuring sales registration in their products.

We do urgent work.

We help prevent health risks / we release the environment from pollutants.

Personal assistance in the interpretation of all the results of the tests.

We guarantee the time to deliver reports in Spanish / English.

Internationally certified.

We help prevent health risks

Accredited as a research laboratory by the EMA.

Laboratory of quality control in fertilizers and pesticides by the ICA-Colombia.

Confidentiality in our analyzes

We liberate the environment from contaminants and we support that the food is safe.

First laboratory in Mexico Internationally certified in GLP-OECD.
